ClimateCare voted Best Project Developer Public Health for the third year running

We are delighted that for the third consecutive year our customers and peers have voted ClimateCare as Best Project Developer – Public Health, in the prestigious Environmental Finance Voluntary Carbon Market Ranking.

Three years ago Environmental Finance created this new award category to “reflect growing demand from offset buyers for projects that deliver measurable outcomes beyond emissions reductions”. Three years later, ClimateCare’s position as market leader remains undisputed.

“Thank you to all our clients, customers and competitors who voted for us. We are delighted to be recognised for our world leading expertise in developing and delivering integrated projects designed to improve lives as well as cut carbon”, said ClimateCare CEO Edward Hanrahan.

Integrated Climate+Care programmes are not a niche concept. Behind the scenes ClimateCare remains one of the largest retailers of voluntary carbon offsets by volume and works with partners to deliver some of the most extensive climate and development programmes in the world.

“Corporate and Government partners choose ClimateCare because of its expertise in delivering cost effective projects that drive change at scale” says Head of Partnerships, Robert Stevens. “Our integrated Climate+Care programmes are designed to tackle poverty, improve health, create jobs and protect the environment, but they also help to create viable new markets with the potential to scale around the world and deliver lasting change.”

ClimateCare is moving beyond simple carbon finance for its projects, increasingly designing bespoke finance for programmes that deliver a suite of pre-agreed environmental and sustainable development outcomes.

This allows corporate clients to demonstrate increased business relevance and value by delivering priority outcomes in the most cost effective way. It also allows them to drive funding to projects in locations of their choice - be that to key markets or within their own supply chains.

Underpinning all this is ClimateCare’s experience designing and delivering effective projects, and that is why this award is so important.

“Eighteen years’ experience has taught us that it’s not easy to deliver successful sustainable development projects at scale”, says Tom Morton, Director of ClimateCare in Nairobi. “Our clients benefit from the unrivalled knowledge of our project team, our learning to date and our expertise in structuring project finance. These things allow us to reduce risk for clients and bring partners together, making budgets go further through joined up action.”

Hear what some of our partners and clients think about the Climate+Care approach in this video, which sets out ClimateCare’s vision for 2020.


ClimateCare is a profit for purpose company. We believe that climate change, poverty and sustainable development cannot be tackled in isolation. And that we cannot rely solely on aid. Governments and business must work together to deliver the speed and scale of change required to secure a sustainable future.

That’s why, for the past 18 years, we have mobilised the power and scale of both private and public finance for integrated Climate+Care programmes, which deliver positive environmental and social impacts around the world.

We combine the vision of a social enterprise and the commercial experience of an investment bank. Leveraging mainstream funding, we profitably deliver some of the largest, most successful sustainability initiatives in the world. To date we have worked with hundreds of partners to cut over 16.5 million tonnes of CO2 and at the same time, improved the lives of 6 million people.

Businesses and Governments alike, see the value and sense in our integrated Climate+Care approach and we have set an ambitious vision for 2020. To cut a further 20 million tonnes of CO2 and improve the lives of another 20 million people.

Find out more at

Twitter: @ClimateCare

Press enquiries and image requests:
Please contact: Rhiannon Szmigielski, ClimateCare
Tel: +44 (0)1865 591008

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