CJP declares Pongamia is a promising biodiesel candidate

In state-of-the-art pilot trials at CJP- the advanced biofuel center - scientists are working sedulously on various oil seeds that have the potential to help resolve the future energy crisis. One of these seeds comes from a tree called Pongamia pinnata.

Pongamia is a tree native to India and found in tropical and subtropical areas around the world. Pongamia is a legume tree that bears non-edible seeds containing a high percentage of oils that are composed of fatty acids and triglycerides ideal for biodiesel production. Apart from the advantage of not being a food crop, Pongamia can be grown on non productive lands not destined for food crops, particularly lands with high levels of salt and little water. In addition, through its ability to capture and convert nitrogen from the air, this legume tree enriches soils with low nitrogen levels and eliminates the need for nitrogen fertiliser. A single tree produces up to 40 kg seeds per year and a yield of about ten tonnes of oil per hectare per year,.

The tree also has significant environmental benefits in that it has the ability to sequester carbon dioxide - one of the major greenhouse gases - from the atmosphere, thereby increasing not only its financial significance, but assisting in preserving our environment as well.

Researchers at the CJP are currently researching the Genomic and Genetic of Pongamia, which will enable highly productive plantations of Pongamia to be grown. CJP has developed DI03SAPÔ, the process of cloning and maintaining an elite sapling. It has been created from over a decade of research in horticulture and agriculture with the best characteristics of yield, survivability and longevity. Standard Package of Practices (SOP) enable the DI03SAP ™ sapling to enhance productivity to achieve greater yields over the lifetime of the plantation with the right crop inputs and management.

Pongamia has attracted attention as pressure mounts to find sustainable alternative fuels to help meet countries’ renewable energy targets and cut greenhouse gas emissions, without interfering with agricultural production. The medium-sized evergreen pongamia can grow on marginal arid or semi-arid land and is a nitrogen-fixing tree, which means that it helps fertilize the soil.

“The tree and oil composition look basically promising. Researchers at India’s CJP have the honor of establishing this untapped resource as alternative source for the future biodiesel, as pongamia is a strong candidate to contribute significant amounts of biofuel feedstock.

CJP’S next 5-day Global Jatropha Hi-tech Integrated Nonfood Biodiesel Farming & Technology Training Programme in India from September 5-9, 2012 is all set to introduce you the real world of nonfood biodiesel. Attendees shall have the opportunity to interact with Pongamia Pinnata, which offers a possible solution for sustainable biofuel production: Agronomy, Horticulture, Biology, Engineering, Marketing and Financial aspects of Pongamia commercialization and its cultivation technology etc. as have also been included in the course.

To find out more about JATROPHAWORLD 2012 please visit http://www.jatrophabiodiesel.org

To create, build and succeed in the growing world of biodiesel, you need complete and comprehensive knowledge of Plant science and Plant technology. Just registering yourself for the mega happenings in the Jatrophaworld, you can ensure the same as this is the only platform to learn, plan and execute the best expertise to discuss and analyze the present and future dynamics of many nonfood oil crops.

JatrophaWorld 2012 is unique because of its capability to deliver an integrated “One Stop Solution” for Agri-Fuel-business operations to the agricultural and energy sector worldwide.

Registration is open. Secure your seat today.

For more information regarding registration, package cost, etc., kindly contact:

Coordinator (Programme)
Centre for Jatropha Promotion & Biodiesel

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