CAPER - BIOPLAT agreement

The Society for Cooperation with the Asia-Pacific region for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency - CAPER has signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Spanish Biomass Technology Platform – BIOPLAT.

The Society for Cooperation with the Asia-Pacific Region for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency CAPER is a non-profit organization officially registered at the Spanish Home Office.

CAPER was founded by a group of professionals with extensive experience in Asian markets and the Renewable Energy sector, to promote the cooperation between scientific and academic communities from Asia-Pacific countries and Spanish Universities, research institutes, as well as companies who are interested in topics related to sustainable energy technologies. CAPER promotes cooperation between both parties as a platform for technological exchange and favouring the creation of strategic alliances.

BIOPLAT is a scientific-technical sectorial excellence and coordination group consisting of all relevant stakeholders in the biomass energy sector in Spain.

BIOPLAT aims to provide a framework within which all sectors involved in the development of biomass work together to ensure the commercial settlement of this renewable energy enjoys a continuous growth in a competitive and sustainable way

The activities of BIOPLAT are subsidized by the Ministry of Industry and Competitiveness within its program to support the creation and promotion of Technological Networks. It also has the support of the Spanish Center for Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI)

The agreement includes hosting workshops, seminars, forums, Conduct business to Business meetings (B2B) and round-table discussions between Asian and Spanish companies and institutions to promote the exchange of biomass related technology and to create opportunities for enterprises of different countries to communicate face-to-face and identify cooperative business.

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