Call for entries: Sustainable Ocean Innovation award 2012

This award was established by Sustainable Oceans International in 2010 as a way to acknowledge and help raise awareness of the great work that individuals, organisations or companies are doing to create a sustainable future for our marine environment.

Who Can Enter?

The award places no boundaries on who can enter. Applicants can be from any country.

What Projects Qualify?

The focus is on innovation that is going to, or already is helping reduce our impact on the marine environment including coastal resources. As an example, it may be to do with pollution, how we build coastal structures, community programs to clean up or reduce waste, or a program or product that reduces human caused impacts to marine fauna and flora. This is not the limit and provided as a guide only. There are fantastic ideas out there and we don’t want to limit them!

It can be a product, system, training tool, reference document, manual or program. If you are uncertain if you qualify, please contact us rather than not apply.

What is the Award?

The Award includes a $300 cash prize and we promote the award to our network and memberships, newspapers and our website. You can also benefit from displaying the award on your website and in your communications, especially funding applications.

How Do I Apply?

Quite easy!  We appreciate that everyone is busy these days and those working with the environment are often short of time…therefore the first step is to submit a brief summary of your work and if we believe it is eligible then we will request more information.

Please provide a summary description that includes your contact details, overview of the work/product, key benefits, and website or promotional flyer/brochure if you have one.

Please email to:


Deadline for 2012: February 29, 2012

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