BuildingIQ honored as winner of four industry awards in 2010

BuildingIQ, a leading energy management software company, has been named a winner of four industry awards, most recently ED+C and Sustainable Facility’s Readers’ Choice Award. The company has also been honored as winner of Red Herring’s Asia 100 Award and two national awards including the Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating’s (AIRAH) Award for Excellence in Innovation and Tech23’s Greatest Potential Award.

“With such an emphasis on energy efficiency these days, it was no surprise that BuildingIQ’s Predictive Energy Optimization system earned the most votes from our readers in the Energy Systems category this year,” said Michelle Hucal, LEED AP and Senior Editor of ED+C and Sustainable Facility. “We are thrilled that our 2010 Readers’ Choice Awards honors such unique products that contribute to optimizing energy and sustainability in the built environment.”

Commercial buildings account for 40 percent of energy consumption and their HVAC systems account for 10 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, straining operating costs and the environment. With the sector downturn, building operators must also save more with less capital and resources. BuildingIQ is honored for addressing this challenge with its innovative Predictive Energy Optimization system. Continuously optimizing energy use, the system enables building owners to reduce energy costs up to 30 percent without resource-intensive upgrades.

“Predictive energy optimization is the next generation of energy management in buildings. We are honored to be recognized across the globe as a leader in this field with our innovative technology,” said Michael Zimmerman, CEO of BuildingIQ. “Our system provides immediate cost savings to building owners, improves tenant comfort and reduces carbon emissions by allowing automatic, real-time management of a building’s operations.”

About BuildingIQ

Founded in 2009, BuildingIQ is a leading energy management software company with a range of energy efficiency and demand response solutions. BuildingIQ leverages over 15 years of building controls and thermal comfort research carried out by world-leading experts at the Energy Transformed Flagship Division of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia’s national research organization. BuildingIQ is the exclusive licensee of CSIRO’s building energy optimization technology. BuildingIQ’s mission is to revolutionize the way energy is managed in commercial buildings. Addressing the fundamental shortcomings of HVAC systems and the complexity of traditional controls, BuildingIQ’s multi-objective optimization framework reduces energy cost and emissions in commercial buildings. The company has been honored as Winner of the AIRAH Award for Excellence in Innovation, Tech23’s Greatest Potential Award, Red Herring’s Asia 100 Award and most recently Environmental Design + Construction and Sustainable Facility’s Readers’ Choice Award.

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