Briones says Cebu City WTE project to use integrated anaerobic digestion system

“Greenergy Solutions will use only a clean proven technology; otherwise, it was not approved as Clean Development Mechanism Project. The project will comply with strict  international environmental requirements. There is no reason for Cebu City politicians to fear about more harmful emissions.”

Ruth P Briones, Chair and Chief Executive Officer of Greenergy Solutions Inc and Convener of Zero Waste Philippines had today reiterated that the Cebu City Waste-to-energy project will use proven and clean waste conversion technology which is the Anaerobic Digestion system that complies with the project design document approved by the United Nations’ Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

This pronouncement was made in reaction to fears of some politicians that the Cebu City Waste-to-Energy Project will use waste conversion technologies that will cause harmful emissions.

As indicated in the Project Design Document(PDD)  of the project which is a part of Project 4669 documentation, the purpose of the Cebu City Landfill Gas and Waste to Energy Project  is twofold: (a) to  reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by capturing and flaring the methane (CH4) gas from the existing Inayawan landfill, and (b) to avoid new GHG emissions from the decomposition of additional organic waste that would otherwise be disposed of in the landfill, through a process of anaerobic digestion with biogas collection.

The Project Developers to the Cebu City Project will strictly implement the project design in accordance with the Clean Air Act and Ecological Solid Waste Management Act. Its implementation, according to Briones, will be monitored and supervised by a committee to be created by UNFCCC and the Philippine Government.

“We will comply with the strict laws and rules pertaining to the Philippine environment. Our intention is to clear Cebu City from landfill pollution at the same time will provide a zero waste City. There are measures to dispose and treat waste, but not necessary using technologies that cause harmful pollution. We are one with any environmental groups in the country against waste conversion technologies that creates toxic air pollution.  And we will never use technologies that create and produce harmful emissions to get rid of Cebu City’s garbage,” Briones further said.

A statement of the UNFCCC Validation Report stated that the technology to be employed by the project is a well proven technology and is expected to reduce methane emissions from the landfill site and also the dependence of fossil fuel-fired power plants. Further specifications of the technology to be applied at the project activity are also needed with regards to:  type of pre-treatment, instrumentation and controls. The project will result in better environmental conditions by further improving the air quality released from the landfill site, properly containing the leachate and reducing the dependency on fossil fuel fired power plants.

Briones noted that the project design document (PDD) of the Cebu City Landfill Gas and Waste-to-Energy Project provides that the said project will capture and flare the biogas from the existing landfill.  The fresh waste for the landfill for anaerobic digestion to convert organic materials into biogas, which will be utilized for the generation of power.

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