B Corp movement secures first Singapore operations chief

B Lab, the non-profit behind the B Corp sustainable business certification scheme, has hired Prisca Lim as its first chief operating officer for Singapore.

B Corp Singapore
B Lab is aiming to certify 100 businesses in Singapore by 2025. Image: B Lab

B Lab, the non-profit that runs the B Corp sustainable business certification scheme, has appointed Prisca Lim as chief operating officer for Singapore.

Lim’s role will involve managing operations, finance, partnerships, and community engagement for the certifier, which established a Southeast Asia hub in Singapore last year.

Prisca Lim

Prisca Lim, COO, B Corp Singapore. Image: LinkedIn

Lim joins after a stint at The Social Space, a sustainable lifestyle store in Singapore. She was previously manager of the NUS Entrepreneurship Centre, the National University of Singapore’s startup incubator.

Believed to be one of the toughest sustainability certifications to attain, only a third of firms that apply for B Corp — short for beneficial corporation — get certified. To stay certified, B Corps are reassessed every three years, and must continually improve their social and environmental credentials.

There are 4,925 certified B Corps in 79 countries in 153 industries globally. B Lab is aiming to certify 100 businesses in Southeast Asia by 2025. In Singapore, four companies have become B Corp certified in the first quarter of the year, taking the total of B Corps in the city-state to 19.

B Corp certified businesses in Southeast Asia include bottled water brand Aqua in Indonesia, sustainability consultancy The Inceptery in Singapore, e-learning firm Genashtim in Malaysia, manufacturing firm Saitex in Vietnam, and business consultancy Yever in Myanmar.

Lim has been appointed following the departure of former B Lab Southeast Asia executive director Tom Stewart, who has relocated to the United Kingdom, and a job at dss⁺, formerly DuPont Sustainable Solutions, in London.

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