WSQ Perform Design and Installation of PV Systems and WSQ Perform Maintenance of PV Systems

The Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) system is a national framework developed by the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) and the industries for adult workers to increase their competency and add value to the industries by taking up continuing education and training modules. WSQ caters to adult workers and aims to make skills upgrading accessible to the workforce as well as assist them in the advancement and development of their career.

SEAS is accredited by the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) to conduct two WSQ modules, “Perform Design and Installation of Photovoltaic Systems” and “Perform Maintenance of Photovoltaic Systems”. SEAS will be offering these two modules as a single programme, with WDA funding available, and the candidate will only need to take integrated assessment to achieve 2 Statement of Attainment (SOAs). No re-assessment allowed for this course.

Objective of module

On completion of this unit, learners will have the basic knowledge and ability

  • to design, install, test and commission PV systems
  • to inspect and maintain PV systems

Target Audience

  • PMEs (i.e. contractors, M&E consultants, academics and researchers) who are currently employed in Construction, Real Estate Management & Maintenance and Process industries, and whose work focuses on design, installation, test, commission, inspection and maintenance of photovoltaic systems

Assumed Skills and Knowledge

  • preferably have knowledge of electrical installation work
  • preferably have knowledge of SS CP5:1998 Code of Practice for Electrical Installation
  • have basic knowledge and skills in handling common tools
  • be able to listen and speak English at a proficiency level equivalent to the Employability Skills System (ESS) level 4;
  • be able to read and write English at a proficiency level equivalent to ESS level 4; and
  • be able to process numbers at a proficiency level equivalent to ESS level 4

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