Workshop: What’s a Sustainability Report without Targets?


What’s a Sustainability Report without Targets?

In the changing sustainability landscape, it is not enough to report what you have done; stakeholders expect you to commit to doing more in the future, and to report transparently against your commitments. Companies that deliver sustainability reports without targets are only telling half the story. Join this breakout session to hear the other half.

You will learn:

    1. • Why targets are critical for the credibility for your sustainability reporting


    1. • Characteristics of relevant and meaningful targets


    1. • Dilemmas in target-setting and reporting and how to address them


    1. • Best practice examples of target reporting in Sustainability Reports
              • What not to do when disclosing targets and performance against targets

There are limited seats to attend this workshop which is part of the Asia Sustainability Reporting Summit 2019. For more information, kindly visit

Registration:To learn more about the workshop or to register, email to

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