Workshop on Energy Efficiency in Data Centres

Indian Green Building Council formed by CII in 2001, is spearheading the green building movement in the country with over 1,756 projects at various stages of design & construction, covering a green footprint of 1.24 billion sq ft.

IGBC is hosting the 10th edition of its flagship event ‘Green Building Congress 2012’.

30 Oct - 1 Nov 2012: HICC: Hyderabad, India

A Workshop on Energy Efficiency in Data Centres with the support of USDoE and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) is scheduled on Nov 1, 2012.

The workshop would be addressed by leading experts and manufacturers on how to migrate and consolidate aging data centers into energy efficient, high density, secure and virtualised facilities that will meet the demands of coming decade.

About 100 top level officials are expected to attend this Workshop.

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Mithun G
[javascript protected email address]

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