Webinar: How to reverse the growing negative trend of e-waste

Webinar: How to reverse the growing negative trend of e-waste

Fifty million metric tonnes of e-waste is generated every year, equalling the weight of nearly 4,500 Eiffel towers. Much of it is incinerated or placed in landfill, causing pollution, human health hazards and the loss of valuable finite resources.

This slide-free webinar will do a deep-dive into the problems associated with e-waste and discuss how they can be tackled. Listen to experts in the field and ask questions through the live chat function.You’ll also get valuable insights into the role purchasers have in the value chain of IT products, and what you can do to help solve the e-waste crisis.


  • Joost de Kluijver, Closing the Loop
  • Pascal Leroy, WEEE Forum
  • Jim Puckett, Basel Action Network
  • Sofia Nygård, Chalmers University of Technology
  • Andreas Rehn, TCO Development

Moderated by Cassandra Julin, TCO Development.

The webinar will take place on March 31 at 16.00 CET.

Register: Webinar: How to reverse the growing negative trend of e-waste

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Cassandra Julin
[javascript protected email address]

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