Time for Corporates to Wake Up to the Realities of Human Slavery

According to the International Labour Organisation, almost 21 million people around the world are nowadays victims of modern slavery and human trafficking related practises.

The biggest part of the problem lies in complex corporate supply chains developed and operating all over the globe - from the cocoa-growing lands of the Ivory Coast, to the seafood sector of Thailand.

The Modern Slavery Act 2015 comes in with one big objective - to tackle modern slavery and human trafficking related practises. By increasing the transparency around big multinational corporations supply chains and by asking them to report on the steps that they are taking in order to make sure that none of the above activities are taking place within their production processes this act is here to change how businesses approach investigation and reporting on slavery.

With the eyes of consumers, customers, investors and stakeholders and their increasing attention towards more sustainable and more transparent corporate behaviours, the need for businesses to align to the new act and commit themselves to fairer supply chains in no longer a mere possibility – it is an urgent need.

The first step in order to make this possible is to get clear and usable supply chain data. How?

Technology can definitely help. A Software Data System such as cr360 can support you in developing successful strategies to engage your suppliers giving you the opportunity to focus on managing risk and driving supplier sustainability performance.

During this one-hour-long webinar SustainIt and cr360 will walk you through the new legal requirements you need to commit and adapt to, highlighting how the right technology can help and showing practical examples of companies facing and successfully addressing their supply chain challenges.

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