This is how we get to net zero: empowering businesses to tackle climate change

This is how we get to net zero: empowering businesses to tackle climate change

To avoid the worst effects of climate change, businesses and suppliers of all sizes need to measure and reduce their carbon footprint, halving their emissions by 2030 and achieving net zero emissions by 2050.

Large corporations naturally have higher emissions compared to a small business. However, a large portion of these emissions stem from the value chain – the source of scope 3 emissions. These value chains are often made up of small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs), or businesses with under 500 employees.

In order to reach its climate targets, each business must activate their full value chain to take action. ​​For SMEs, the benefits of taking climate action extend beyond lessening their climate impact or meeting the shared climate goals of their biggest customers. With changing customer expectations, production costs, and policy regulations, SMEs will need to prioritise climate action to maintain a competitive advantage.

In this webinar we will explain how businesses can reach their climate targets, highlighting:

  • The technology allowing businesses to measure their emissions and move towards climate action
  • How big businesses can engage their supply chains in the race to net zero
  • The impact of value chain engagement and what it means to activate SME suppliers

And we’ll unveil the SME Climate Hub’s latest free tool, which empowers businesses to tackle climate change.


Kristian Rönn, CEO and co-founder of Normative

Maija Happonen, Product Manager for Value-chain engagement at Normative

Jen Carter, Global Head of Technology at

Pamela Jouven, Director of the SME Climate Hub

Johan Falk, CEO and co-Founder of Exponential Roadmap Initiative

Cassandra Julin, Head of Global PR will moderate the session

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Cassandra Julin
[javascript protected email address]

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