“Environment protection through Green solutions”
Third International Conference on Environment, Engineering & Energy 2017 (EEE 2017) which will be held in Toronto on 16-17 September, 2017, is dedicated to the improvement and dissemination of knowledge on methods, policies and technologies. This global platform for researchers in those areas to meet, discuss, share, enhance knowledge and inspire & disseminate new ideas to the community.
Conference Proceedings
All accepted abstracts will be published in the conference abstract book with a Canadian ISBN 978-0-9951985-9-x-x . The full papers will be accepted through a double blind reviewed process and will be published online and forwarded a copy to Canadian Archives for future preservation. The conference book will be deposited at the US Congress Library the largest library in the world.
We will submit the proceedings to be indexed in the Thomson Reuters, SCOPUS, Google Scholar for possible Indexing.
Scope/topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
Conference Main Sub Themes:
- Wind energy technologies
- Environmental management systems
- Solar energy technologies
- Hydro power
- Global warming & Climate Change
- Biomass industries & Energy
- Management of ecosystems, environment and water resources
- Modelling & Assessments
- Education for Sustainability
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