#TheSolarShow Webinar: Cutting edge solar panel technology for tomorrow’s energy needs

With increasing pressure on driving down solar project costs, maximising panel efficiency and increasing returns, join this webinar session and explore some of the exciting developments in solar panel technology that are creating new opportunities for solar projects across Asia.

Key areas for discussion include:
1. What are the latest solar panel innovations changing the game in solar projects across the region?
2. What is the outlook for bifacial solar panels? Will they become “the norm”?
3. How are solar panel players innovating to create new opportunities in floating solar?
4. What opportunities are being created by the advent of solar+storage projects?
5. How do investors view innovation in solar panel technology?
6. Which are the most exciting solar markets in Asia?

Featured Panellists:
Moderator: Christophe Inglin, Managing Director, Energetix
Hang Cek Liong, Founder & CEO, Photovoltaic Foundry
Sunil Gupta, Regional Head - SEA & South Asia, VENA Energy
Warren Lee, Business Development Head SEA, Jinko Solar

Who should attend:
• EPCs & solar panel technology providers
• Solar project developers
• Financiers & investors
• Multilateral agencies
• Government regulators
• Project development consultants
• Energy analysts & consultants
• Solution providers

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Andre Laury
[javascript protected email address]

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