The Water Law: Green Drinks February Film Screening

Green Drinks’ 98th film screening will feature ‘THE WATER LAW’, a documentary that outlines how the new environmental law may affect the whole Brazilian ecosystem, specially its water sources. This event will also mark 7 years of Green Initiatives’ film screening events in Shanghai.

Film screening will be followed by a short discussion with Maria Souza, a Brazilian Social Ecologist & Storyteller who has spent 7 years in the Amazons and has much insights to share on this subject.

Film is in Spanish and comes with English subtitles.

Event itinerary:

  • 18:00-19:00 Registrations
  • 19:00-19:15 Green Initiatives introduction
  • 19:15-20:45 Film screening
  • 20:45-21:15 Q&A;/Discussions and networking

Film synopsis

At a time of climate change, floods and droughts, the destruction of the Amazonian Rainforest, and the lawsuits currently being considered by the Supreme Court in relation to the Forest Code are all topics of discussion. The film emphasises the need to protect our natural resources and the internal politics which have impact worldwide. This documentary also portrays the controversy regarding which areas will be preserved and where logging will be permitted in rural areas and cities in Brazil. During the exhibition we will be discussing the role the Amazon Forest plays as the lungs of the world.

Produced by Fernando Meirelles, this film was released through a crowdfunding campaign in partnership with the Social-Environmental Institute (ISA), WWF-Brazil, the SOS Atlantic Forest Foundation, the Democracy and Sustainability Institute (IDS) and Bem-Te-Vi Diversity.

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Nitin Dani
[javascript protected email address]

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