The Ornithology of Sustainability: How Birds Help Us Decipher Macro Trends (Webinar)

What are the growth prospects for the energy and sustainability market as the UK, Eurozone and US emerge from recession? How can heads of energy and sustainability persuade the CEO and CFO to increase funding for their initiatives? These are the questions that leaders in the energy and sustainability market should focus on as they head into planning and budgeting for the 2014 financial year.

Over the last 5 years corporate activity on the energy and sustainability agenda has increased. Against the backdrop of significantly heightened environmental risks, a more complex global policy environment and expectations for higher energy prices firms will need to commit to much bigger increases in funding for their sustainability strategies. But unless energy and sustainability leaders have hard data, industry benchmarks and a persuasive narrative they will not win the battle to grab a bigger slice of funding in 2014.

This webinar, hosted by Verdantix CEO David Metcalfe, uses the concepts of black swans, flamingos, starlings, secretary birds and pigeons to explain the key market drivers behind investments in energy, environment and sustainability programs. During the webinar we will walk through the impact on market development of infrequent but significant events, high profile factors with minimal influence on investment, data point driven macro trends, regulatory decisions and business as usual drivers. Through the ornithology of sustainability you will learn how to categorize market drivers and screen out factors that have high prominence but do not impact executive decisions.

A webinar not to be missed.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

4.00pm - 5.00pm (UK)

11am - 12 noon (EST)

8am - 9am (PST)

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