The Fifth Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment 2015

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ACSEE2015 Conference Theme: “Power & Sustainability”
Abstract submission deadline: February 15, 2015

Sustainability remains as a powerful ideal that acts as a driving force in relation to the pressing concerns of energy and the environment. Its proponents often protest their lack of power to effect change because of the control systems already in place in the form of tax-evading multinational corporations, banks that support them, and governments that turn a blind eye to malpractice. Is the claim to lack of power as serious as is alleged, or are there other approaches that have not been tried? Advocates of sustainable growth surely have the responsibility to search for alternative avenues and corridors of power? The abolition of slavery in the British Empire, for example, was the work of one man who resisted and confounded the argument that no economy could survive without it. This conference will take the concepts and lenses of power and sustainability as we seek multidisciplinary solutions and work together towards the creation of a sustainable world.

Topics include:
Environmental Sustainability & Human Consumption
Environmental Sustainability & Environmental Management
Cultural Sustainability: Protecting, Preserving and Conserving
Economic Sustainability: Environmental Challenges and Economic Growth
Economic Sustainability: Sustainable Businesses and CSR
Social Sustainability & Social Justice
Social Sustainability, War and Peace
Social Sustainability & Sustainable Living
Energy: Environmental Degradation
Energy: Renewable Energy and Environmental Solutions
Energy: Energy Economics and Ecological Economics

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

David George
[javascript protected email address]

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