Talk: A Sustainable World through Circular Design

“Design is integral in the shift to the circular economy. There’s only so much we can do with products, services and systems based on the ‘take, make, dispose’ model. By re-thinking and re-designing, we can accelerate the transition to a new model that doesn’t just ’eke out resources a bit longer’, but is restorative and regenerative by design.”- Ellen MacArthur, founder, Ellen MacArthur Foundation

What would our world look like if consumer products were of long lasting design, modular and easily repairable?

Circular Design is a design methodology conceived by IDEO and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. In this session, we will explore the concept of Circular Design together with Karen Lee from Interface and Farah Sanwari from Sustainable Living Lab (SL2).

Karen Lee will be sharing on how Interface’s carpet design and production has integrated circular design principles while Farah will be introducing circular design tools and methods that designers can employ to design products for the circular economy.

This event is a side programme for the Singapore Design Week. Find out more about SDW on!

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