SWITCH: Green Drinks April Film Screening

Green Initiatives film screening this April on the eve of Earth Day 2019 will focus on one of the most important issues of our times: energy.

Switch is about a changing energy conversation. Today, it’s polarised and unproductive. Switch focuses on practical realities and encourages a balanced understanding.

Every energy resource — fossil, nuclear and renewable — is undergoing profound changes. And overall, we’re gradually shifting from coal and oil to the energies of tomorrow. This sweeping transition is the subject of Switch. But rather than advocating for how it should happen, Switch travels the world to discover how it most likely will happen.

Film screening will be followed by a short discussion.


Event Itinerary:

  • 18:30-19:15 Registrations and networking
  • 19:15-19:30 Green Initiatives & event introduction
  • 19:30-21:00 Film screening
  • 21:00-21:20 Q&A;/Discussions and networking


Film Synopsis:

Switch is a documentary film on global energy, featuring Scott W. Tinker, a geologist and energy researcher who runs the Bureau of Economic Geology, a 200-person research unit of The University of Texas at Austin and is a professor at the Jackson School of Geosciences.

The film is part of a larger energy education and efficiency project, which also includes the Switch Energy Project website, with additional video content and educational programs. The website includes interviews with some of the world’s leading energy policy analysts. Interviews including Ernie Moniz, former Under Secretary of Energy, theoretical physicist Steven E. Koonin, Deputy Executive Director of the International Energy Agency, Richard Jones and physicist Richard A. Muller.

The film aims to be a nonpartisan, scientifically based exploration of the energy transition from the traditional energies of coal and oil to future energies. It has been accepted by many environmental groups, government agencies, fossil, and renewable energy companies and academic institutions.

Switch premiered at the 2012 Environmental Film Festival in Washington DC to positive reviews, then played at 12 other international festivals, most of them environmentally focused, and at 6 international geology conferences, before opening in theaters in New York in September 2012. The film has been seen by nearly 4 million viewers worldwide, in theaters, university auditoriums, classrooms, on DVD and the web.



  • Film does not come with Chinese subtitles.
  • Entrance fee of ¥50 for all registered guests, that includes snacks, juice, and beer.
  • ¥70 at-the-door for non-registered guests.
  • ¥20 for students and interns (limited seats), with PRIOR REGISTRATION and student card.
  • We have seating space only for 80 people although we have plenty of standing space. Please come in early to secure a seat.

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Green Initiatives
[javascript protected email address]

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