Sustainable innovation 2021 - Accelerating sustainability in fashion, clothing, sportswear & accessories

There will be opportunities for speed networking among the speakers (and delegates) including pioneers, innovators, thought-leaders and change-makers from academia, brands, businesses and industries across fashion, clothing, textiles, sportswear, accessories, retail, and technology sectors.

Networking sessions will be via SpeedNet, which adds the social element that is typically missing from online events.

Aligned with UNCTAD’s International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development, 2021, the conference will provide an insightful and critical platform where issues around accelerating sustainability in fashion and clothing will be explained and discussed.

Rocked by the fourth wave of green consumerism - driven heavily, but not exclusively, by the young - the industry is under pressure like never before for greater transparency and change.

Greener consumers, NGOs, media, policy-makers, academics and entrepreneurs – and celebrities – are pushing back against fast fashion’s “buy today, throw away tomorrow” culture with its associated water pollution, over-use of resources, and sweatshop-style poor working conditions and pay. These facts are still, often, hidden truths behind big brand names and their outsourced manufacturing, and supply chains, in the “third world”.

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Ros Carruthers
[javascript protected email address]

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