Sustainable Energy Insights

Powering your Business Sustainably and Profitably

Program Synopsis

In 2016, Singapore ratified the Paris Agreement, thus formally committing itself to reduce its emissions intensity, by 36 per cent from 2005 levels by 2030 and to stabilize emissions with the aim of peaking no later than 2030.

Singapore unveiled its Climate Action Plan to meet its targets under the Paris Agreement, outlining measures to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and enhance resilience to climate change.

Some of the steps have been the implementation of the Energy Conservation Act that presently impacts large emitters of CO2 and more recently the announcement of Carbon Tax and Sustainability Reporting.

In alignment with the government’s initiatives, this engagement will enable mid to senior level managers to understand the importance and implication of sustainability for their company performance and how these new developments impact their business. This will encourage companies to invest greater management attention and resources in energy efficiency and renewable energy, thus taking sound business decisions to not only improve company productivity and profitability but also improve the environment


Mid to senior level management from Pharmaceutical, Petrochemical, Food Manufacturing, Semiconductors, Power Generation, Hotels, Shopping Malls and Hospitals


This course will be conducted in the newly launched Singapore Sustainability Academy (SSA) which is a unique zero energy building using sustainably sourced materials. The SSA building is powered by solar energy via 3,200 square feet of photovoltaic panels installed on its rooftop. These are estimated to generate 60,000 kWh per year, whereas the building is expected to consume only 50,000 kWh/year.

Programme Fees: S$400.00 (SEAS Member); S$480 (Non Member)

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Agnes Seah
[javascript protected email address]

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