Sustainability Exchange: The Showcase

Sustainability Exchange: The Showcase

Sustainability Exchange is a new initiative launched by EB Impact, in partnership with Facebook, supported by the Climate Action SG Alliance. It is a three-month mentorship programme tailored for youths in Singapore to work on real-world projects under the guidance of sustainability professionals.

In the past decade, the global rise in awareness on sustainability and climate change issues have re-defined thinking around what constitutes sustainable development.

This unique initiative focuses on developing new capabilities in the area of sustainability, serving as a platform to exchange fresh ideas and to drive green innovation in Singapore. It fills a knowledge gap that will enable youths passionate about sustainability issues to accelerate their understanding of sustainability and its application in ‘real world’ business and policy contexts.

Under the guidance of the mentors, our youth teams have spent three fulfilling months working on their respective problem statements and coming up with insightful and innovative proposals. We have put together a panel of three distinguished panelists from the government and private sector, to evaluate the proposals put forth by these youths in hopes of taking the projects to the next level.

Towards the end of the session, we will be hosting a networking event to allow interested sustainability advocates to meet with the existing participants, and to allow professionals in the sustainability industry to exchange ideas. We hope that this will help to inspire more youths and sustainability professionals to participate in our future programmes. Limited networking slots are available on a first-come-first-serve basis. If interested, do indicate your interest during registration.

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Samantha Tan
[javascript protected email address]

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