SR Asia 3rd International Conference on Responsible Business Conduct in Poverty Alleviation & Finance

Conference Objective and Outcomes:

  • Policy alignment and promotion of green banking and CSR
  • Sustainable development for sustainability
  • Address the challenges to implement the issue regarding managing poverty in society, community and remote areas
  • Bring the good practice on board from different Asian countries;
  • Address how to replicate the good practices implemented by different countries to the countries which are developing;
  • How financial institutions can take initiative to foster the financial inclusion;
  • Identify a range of international trade opportunities in various key economic sectors associated with the transition to a green economy;
  • Offer participants an interactive orientation on some of these tools and measures.

The conference will include a combination of plenary presentations, discussions, and break-out working groups. Based on these discussions, the conference will produce:

Target Participation

  • Policy Makers, Academia and Non government agencies
  • Central Banks, public and private sectors banks
  • Technical government focal points for green economy policy-making from ministries of finance, planning, economy, and environment;
  • UN agencies and advisors from other international organizations, Poverty-Environment Initiative, and related initiatives (APO, NPO, etc.);
  • Resource experts including from: sister Agencies, Asian Development Bank, WB;
  • Additional host country participants, including experts, and donors.
  • Industry and Business Support organizations

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Sumaya Rashid
[javascript protected email address]

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