SolarPACES conference is the foremost symposium for the who’s who in concentrating solar power and chemical energy systems. It offers a forum for research, industry, politics and financing stakeholders within the framework of a scientific conference program with leading world experts.
The conference topics are:
- Advanced materials, manufacturing, and components
- Commercial Projects
- Emerging and Disruptive Concepts
- Measurement Systems, Devices, and Procedures
- CSP Integration, Markets, and Policy
- Power Cycles
- Solar Industrial Process Heat and Thermal Desalination
- Operations, Maintenance, and Component Reliability
- Analysis and Simulation of CSP and Hybridized Systems
- Solar Fuels and Chemical Commodities
- Solar Resource Assessment
- Thermal Energy Storage Materials, Media, and Systems
- Solar Collector Systems
- Receivers and Heat Transfer Media and Transport: Linear Systems
- Receivers and Heat Transfer Media and Transport: Point Focus Systems
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