Site Tour: The Library at The Dock

Located on the waterfront of Victoria Harbour, The Library at The Dock has been awarded Australia’s first 6 Star Green Star – Design PILOT rating, an achievement that represents ‘world leadership’ in sustainable design.

Over three levels, the building moves beyond the services of a traditional library, to supporting a culture of creativity. This dynamic building incorporates a traditional library collection, an impressive digital collection, multi-purpose community spaces, a performance venue that holds 120 people as well as recording and animation suites. Plus it’s the first public building in the country to be made from Cross Laminated Timber (CLT).

Sustainability at The Dock

  • The building’s passive design promotes natural ventilation, daylight and fresh indoor air quality, resulting in reduced energy consumption and a healthier, more productive indoor environment.
  • Water is collected from the roof and discharged to a 55,000 litre tank in the nearby Victoria Green Park for reuse within the building. A third of the building’s operational power will be supplied from 85kw solar panels on the roof.
  • The first civic building in Australia to be constructed with cross laminated timber (CLT), which is 30 per cent lighter than traditional structures, quieter to build with and the prefabricated offsite production method enables faster builds and increased worker safety. CLT also offers better thermal performance and requires less energy to heat and cool.

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Stephanie Miller
[javascript protected email address]

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