RobecoSAM Percentiles Database and how to get full value from it

The percentile score is the most valuable set of information on the Company Benchmarking Scorecard received by companies evaluated in RobecoSAM’s annual Corporate Sustainability Assessment. The most prominent output of which are the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices. For the first time this year, companies will not just be able to understand their own percentile rank, but will have access to an online database that provides insight into the ranking of industry peers.

Now through the Percentiles Database companies will be able to see exactly how they compare with each other company in the industry. Moreover they will be able to do so on a criterion by criterion basis.

In the webinar, hosted by Corporate Citizenship in collaboration with RobecoSAM we will consider:

  • What the database is and how it works
  • How to use the database to establish full understanding of your performance topic-by-topic
  • Integrating the information into your plans to improve year-on-year
  • Using the database to strengthen your sustainability communications

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