Programme in Energy Usage Monitoring and Efficiency Analysis

Course Introduction:

The PE WSQ Programme in Manufacturing Productivity Improvement through Energy Usage Pattern Monitoring and Analysis is designed to uncover the hidden values of energy used in the manufacturing processes by monitoring and analysing them in real time. Based on real-life industry cases and experiential learning on dedicated manufacturing process equipment, the course covers the essentials of hardware and software required for the efficient energy (EE) management in manufacturing operations. At the end of the course, the participants and the company will be able to address critical issues related to energy productivity for their respective companies.

Who Should Attend

This course is designed to impart strategic energy management skills to Operations Directors, Production and Facilities Managers and Supervisors. The course will also provide specialised knowledge in energy data analytics and planning to complement corporate energy managers or energy champions. Technicians and engineers who are responsible to for implementing EE-related projects will find the course highly practical and can immediately transfer the taught knowledge to their projects.

Benefits of the Programme

  • Highly practical and intensive single module programme
  • Case studies highlighting industrial application
  • Experienced trainers in the field with vast industrial experience

Students can use the latest knowledge and up-to-date technology taught in the programme to improve the EE of their own company and meet NEA’s compulsory requirements in EE management and reporting. The programme covers not only energy usage monitoring, but also efficiency analysis, with various statistical methods to identify potential energy hotspots.

What You Will Learn

The course will equip participants with effective practical tools and techniques, based on energy data monitoring and analytics, carefully structured under three topics:

1. Fundamentals of EE Monitoring and Analyses in Manufacturing Processes:

  • Electrical Fundamentals
  • Energy Data Capturing
  • Data Analytics Theories
  • Process Case Studies

2. Practical Training in EE Monitoring and Analytics Systems:

  • Practices in Data Analytics
  • Identification of Trends and Patterns
  • Identification of EE Potentials in Actual Processes

3. Hands-on Project:

  • Productivity Analyses using Energy Patterns
  • Identification of Productivity Improvement Potentials
  • Mentoring by Productivity and Energy Experts

When and Where

  • Commencement Date: Please refer to website* for class schedule Registration Now Open!

  • Venue: Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, 71 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 638075

Course Fee

  • The fee for this programme is $4,000 before WDA funding and GST.
  • Singaporeans and Permanent Residents are entitled to enjoy WDA funding of 70% of the course fee

  • Enhanced SME funding support of 90% of the course fee available for companies with at least 30% local shareholding AND annual sales turnover of <$100 million or with less than 200 staff strength

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