Plasticity California

“Technology, Design and Knowledge -Driving Plastic Sustainability”

Join us on May 9th in Anaheim, California, as part of the annual ANTEC event by the Society of Plastics Engineers.


Plasticity attendees not only will get a full day of high-quality programming related to creating scalable solutions for enhancing the long-term value of plastic materials and products, they also will have full, free access to the ANTEC show floor, where close to 80 firms will be showcasing some of the latest technical advancements in the industry. ANTEC itself is expected to feature more than 500 technical papers and some 1,500 attendees (registration for the ANTEC conference is separate).

Don’t miss this opportunity to meet, mingle and network with some of the brightest technical minds in the global plastics industry at Plasticity California and ANTEC.

Come hear from global experts on how plastic can be a key driver within a circular economy, how we scale solutions to do so, what the opportunities are for designers who are looking to make their mark in leadership within industry, and how companies can stay at the cutting edge of plastic sustainability advances.

Learn about the future of plastic design, innovation, materials, recycling, how to expand on what is already in the market, and learn how to reduce some of the “logjams” along the way. You will not regret the amount of information you take in, and the contacts you will make this event.

Plasticity California delivers an innovation-packed agenda, addressing key issues such as:

  • Desiging for the Circular Economy
  • Challenges in creating new products and processes for sustainabilty
  • Innovations that reduce plastic waste impact and improve brand value
  • Reverse supply chain, bring-back programs and how to engage your customers
  • Creating scale for circular economies within industrial and municipal environments
  • Transforming waste streams into profit streams
  • Examples of solutions that have scaled, and how to speed up others
  • The recycling tipping point – transforming public beliefs and actions

Press Release


Who’s going to be there:

  • Brand Leaders and Innovators
  • Manufacturers & Retailers
  • Bio Plastic Producers
  • Design and Packaging Industries
  • Waste to Fuel Companies
  • Angel Investors
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Government Agencies
  • Policy Makers
  • Educators & Think Tanks

“Plasticity is an essential forum convening a solutions-oriented conversation among leaders from business, NGOs, government, and academia who are driven to solve one of the greatest challenges and opportunities of our time — how to productively use vital materials to enrich economic opportunities while eliminating these same materials as waste harming the natural environment. Plasticity is vital to connect the dots and advance strategic partnerships to deliver economic value and environmental and social benefit. This is the mission of my own organization and Plasticity has been a vital asset to our work.” — Steve Rochlin, co-CEO and co-Founder of IO Sustainability.

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