NRM Planning for Resilience

Strategic regional planning to build resilient landscapes & communities

Resilience thinking offers an approach to environmental management that makes it possible to identify undesirable states in the landscape and determine landscape thresholds. Understanding this concept and how it can be applied at a regional level will enable landscapes and communities to absorb disturbance and maintain environmental, social and economic development.

NRM Planning for Resilience will bring together key players currently developing regional plans and policies to support climate change adaptation and sustainable regional development. Delegates will examine the linkages and competing demands across social, economic and environmental drivers.

Featuring leading expertise from:

Dr Sarah Ryan, Chair, ACT NRM Council

Robyn Fleming, First Assistant Secretary, North West & Local Government Division, Department of Regional Australia, Regional Development, Local Government, Arts & Sport

Richard Pearson, Deputy Director General, Development Assessment & Systems Performance, Department of Planning & Infrastructure, NSW

Dr John Keniry, Commissioner, Natural Resources Commission

Carolyn Raine, General Manager, Central West CMA, NSW

Plus many more!

For the full speaker line-up and conference agenda visit:

For more information or to register contact Criterion Conferences on +61 2 9239 5700 or email

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Stephen Crowe
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