After more than 50 years under the military ruling, Myanmar is poised for change under the leadership of the first elected civilian president. The new government along with multilateral development agencies is committed to take Myanmar into new heights of development; boosting growth in Myanmar with high emphasis on capacity building, infrastructure development and improving rural livelihood and reducing poverty.
With the help of global international financial ins tu ons, the Government of Myanmar has developed a National Electrification Plan in 2015. Myanmar targeted to increase an addition of 18,565 MW, with renewable energy accounted for 61%. The Myanmar National EnergyManagement Committee (NEMC) has announced a 15 years Myanmar Energy Master Plan to meet the increasing demand of electricity in order to achieve universal electrification by 2030. This plan mapped with comprehensive country direction, list of projects, project locations and execution plans.
The hosting of the 4th Myanmar Green Energy Summit 2016 is to provide an interactive platform for potential investors and key players of the industry from over 25 countries to get updated on the new directions, investment policies and market potential of green energy in Myanmar; at the same time discuss strategies and share insights to support the National Electrification Plan, improve policies and regulation around electricity and renewable energy, and develop framework to plan out future electrification programs.
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Ms. Hooi Sook Mei
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