For our 4th birthday event, our guest will be Julian LEE from Ambi Labs.
The journey of Ambi labs’ team has been very successful. Technical development went well, promotion in Asia hit the road and their Kickstarter campaign has been a blast despite going through a learning curve. They went over their funding target by 300%!
During the conversation with Julian, I will explore how a former executive in strategy and private equity jumped into green business entrepreneurship in Hong Kong. Join us that night.
Curious to know about :
- How to get your business global from Hong Kong ?
- How is the working culture at Ambi ?
- How did Ambi get covered in TechCrunch, BGR, Gizmodo, Engadget ?
- Lessons learnt from a Kickstarter campaign ?
- How did the Hong Kong Start-up eco-system supports its alumni ?
- What is the funniest thing that happen to Ambi Labs team ?
- What is a typical day of a green business Start-upper in Hong Kong ?
- Which websites, apps and other tools Julian couldn’t live without as an entrepreneur ?
- Have your very own question to Julian ? Join us Thursday or tweet it us a few days in advance @cleantuesday_hk
CleanTuesday will be on a Thursday that week! New venue as well, come and discover The Garage Society work-space if you haven’t yet.
Venue : The Garage Society : 9F, 33 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong Find your way on Google Maps.
On THURSDAY 13th November, the doors open at 6:30pm and close at 8:30pm, with the talk kicking off at 7:15pm.
Register now and get the chance to mix with the Hong Kong green business entrepreneurs.
Admission is free, donation welcome and 100% redirected to Room to Read Hong Kong
Secure your seat, register here.
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