ISO 14001 Malaysia: Environmental Management System - QE Safety

ISO 14001 Malaysia: Environmental Management System - QE Safety

ISO 14001 Malaysia

ISO 14001 Malaysia: ISO 14001 2015 highlights the requirements that are associated with an environmental management system to enable organisations to improve their environmental performance. This standard helps organisations and companies which intend to manage their environmental responsibilities in a systematic order to ensure environmental sustainability. In short, ISO 14001 provides value for the environment, the organisation and other related parties.

Contact us to attain ISO 14001:2015 standard certification for your Organisation. Get in touch with us.

 How we can help to establish an Environmental Management System?

ISO 14001 development

Understanding the company processes and developing procedures according to the ISO 14001 requirement


Train key personnel for awareness training courses and internal audit training courses.


Assist the team in the implementation of the procedures

Internal audit

Conduct an internal audit to ensure compliance with the requirement and recommend further improvement

Certification audit

Arrange and assist during the certification audit to ensure a smooth audit process.

With the “5 steps” approach, the organisation can attain the certification in the fastest and most effective way.

 Benefits – ISO 14001 Malaysia

  • Helps to manage environment-related risks
  • Demonstrates your commitment in helping to improve the environment
  • Helps to increase employee engagement by working in an environmental-friendly organisation
  • Gain a competitive advantage over other organisations

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