International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainable Development

This conference aims to provide a common platform to the corporate, government agencies, NGOs, civil society, academics and the other groups to share their expectations, aspirations and responsibilities. Conference also has the objective to bring together representatives from various parts of the globe to share their experiences, challenges and opportunities. Research in the domain of CSR and Sustainable Business along with Climate Control, Work Life Balance, Philanthropy, social impact and other topics shall be shared in the form of Paper presentation, poster exhibition by researchers and professionals from various universities and institutions. The international conference is aimed at exploring emerging issues in corporate responsibility and sustainable development. Presentations and debates will highlight current thinking and how these issues are being addressed around the world nowadays. The conference will bring together business representatives, Non-Government organizations, Consultants, Researchers, Academicians, Students and representatives from other elements of civil society to discuss a broad array of topics related to corporate social responsibility across the various parts of the world. Conference organizers welcome paper submissions from all disciplines on topics including but not limited to:

Global Governance and Corporate Liability

CSR Issues relating to Multinational Enterprises

Self-Regulations, Codes of Conduct and Voluntary Compliance

International Labour Rights

Reconciling the Interests of Management and Workers

The Role of Governments in Business

Mining and Sustainability Principles

Safety, Health and Environment

Towards Modern Welfare Economics

Regulatory Rules of Foreign Direct Investment,

The Role of NGOs and other Elements of Civil Society

Fighting Corporate Greed and Combating Corruption

Illicit Business Practices: Child Labor, Forced Labor and Labor Trafficking

The Future of CSR and Responsible Investment

Triple Bottom Line: The Importance and opportunities

The conference will focus on to broad tracks: research and practitioner. The research track will focus on a more academic perspective with presentation of research in the CSR area, whereas the practitioner track will have the presentations from the corporate / NGO projects and initiatives along with the case studies in the CSR area. However, the conference sessions will have mixed presentations from both the tracks, for benefit of all.

In both the Research and Practitioner track, the proposals can be submitted in any of the following categories:

(a) Full Paper (Length of the paper 8-12 pages)

(b) Short Paper / Work in Progress (Length of the paper 4-6 pages)

(c) Practitioner Presentation (1 Page Abstract)

(d) Poster Presentation (1 page Abstract)

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