Internal Auditor Integrated Management System Auditor

“An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.”-Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790).

The IMS training courses teaches the fundamentals of management systems integration; especially those based on the ISO 9001 (Quality Management System standard), ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System standard and OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health, and Safety Assessment Series) of international standards. It also highlights the use of PAS 99 (Publicly Available Specification) issued by BSI.

Course flyer:

Other dates:- 7-11 April 2014/19-23 May 2014/9-13 June 2014

To register, drop me an email or call:

Joseph Thomas DNV Business Assurance, Singapore

Mobile +65 9663 1749+65 9663 1749+65 9663 174965 9663 1749

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