Indian Conference on Life Cycle Management (ILCM) 2016

The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) cordially invite you to attend the fifth edition of Indian Conference on Life Cycle Management (ILCM) 2016 to be held on 17-18 October in FICCI, Federation House, Tansen Marg, New Delhi. ILCM is FICCI’s flagship event which brings together Indian and international LCA community, stakeholders – government, industry, academia as well as non-government organisations to promote Life Cycle Approach.

In line with recently launched Sustainable Development Goals, the cornerstone for this year’s conference theme is the applicability of Life Cycle based tools and approaches for tactical decision making in enabling shift towards Responsible Consumption and Production. The conference provides a great platform to learn from the experiences of LCA applications and up to date with the latest developments.

Technical papers in conference programme are organised around following broad themes:

  • Life Cycle Thinking to achieve Resource Efficiency
  • Eco-innovation and Sustainable Products
  • Proving pathways towards Circular Economy through LCA
  • Life Cycle Inventory data as fundamental necessity for Sustainable Production and Consumption

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

ILCM Organising Committee
[javascript protected email address]

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