Impact Assessor Accreditation

Want to know more about Impact Assessment?

Shujog is running its second Impact Assessor Accreditation course, starting with the first module on November 1, 2013. By joining this course you will learn how to assess social impact and take your first step toward becoming an accredited Impact Assessor. The course consists of three modules that span over 6 months.

Specifically you will learn how to:

  • Increase the efficiency and effectiveness of social value creation in Social Enterprises
  • Propose high Impact Social Enterprises to receive the Impact Mark™
  • Facilitate capital raising to scale the impact of Social Enterprises

Module 1: Full-day workshop in Singapore. Serves both as a refresher for experienced professionals and a training course for people who want a career in Impact Assessment.

Module 2: Practical application of Module 1 training. Participants conduct an Impact Assessment independently, with guidance and assistance from the Shujog team.

Module 3: Full-day workshop in Singapore. Final training and accreditation as an Impact Assessor.

Join the course, begining with Module 1 on:
Date: 1 November 2013

Time: 9am – 4pm
Venue: TBC, Singapore

To find out more, click here

We look forward to welcoming you as a part of our network of accredited impact assessment professionals.

Best regards,
Magnus Young
Manager, Research

More information:

Module 1: Impact Academy for Impact Accreditation (November 1)

Participants will learn how to create an Impact Framework™ and assess the impact of social enterprises on their stakeholders. The workshop provides participants with an overview of how to use Impact Assessments when communicating with impact investors and other third parties. The course details for Module 1 can be found here.

Module 2: Impact Assessment and Verification

Participants conduct an Impact Assessment for an organization. Participants receive regular guidance and advice from Shujog throughout the process. Participants that successfully complete an Impact Assessment are entitled to participate in the Accreditation Academy.

Module 3: Accreditation Academy

Participants that have completed an Assessment to a satisfactory standard and received verification of their Assessment by Shujog participate in the Accreditation Academy to receive final training toward becoming Impact Assessors. Accredited Assessors can propose high impact organizations to receive the Impact Mark™

Who should attend?

  • Individuals who would like to have a deeper understanding of social assessments and/or make monitoring and evaluation into a professional career;
  • Finance professionals who are interested in evaluating the social impact of their investments.

Value of the course

  • Learn how to conduct and interpret an Impact Assessment
  • Become an Accredited Impact Assessor and be part of Shujog’s network of local impact assessment partners
  • Propose high impact organizations to receive the Impact Mark

Modules are sequential. Module 1 is a prerequisite for Modules 2 and 3. To become an Accredited Impact Assessor, participants must complete one verified assessment (Module 2), and participate in the Accreditation Academy (Module 3).


The 6-month Impact Assessor Accreditation course is offered at a discounted rate of S$1,500 for the full three-module course. Participants can also register for the three modules separately at the prices below.


Impact Assessment Accreditation course – Module 1: S$600

Impact Assessment Accreditation course – Module 2: S$600

Impact Assessment Accreditation course – Module 3: S$600

About the Organizers

Shujog and IIX are Social Enterprises (SEs) based in Singapore that are dedicated to creating vibrant social capital markets in Asia Pacific.

Shujog works to equip SEs, investors, and other members of the ecosystem with the tools to create greater accountability, transparency and insight in the SE space in Asia Pacific. Through its impact assessment, advocacy, and research work, Shujog is a leader in delivering products and services that will strengthen the impact investing market and create greater opportunities for SEs in Asia Pacific.

IIX, Shujog’s for-profit sister entity operates three capital-raising platforms tailored for SEs at various stages of growth: Impact Incubator™, Impact Partners™ and Impact Exchange™. These platforms showcase Asian SEs seeking growth capital to a global audience of impact investors, giving these SEs greater opportunities to scale and expand their positive impact.

IIX also works to develop the financial products and ecosystem that will facilitate the growth of the impact investment sector in Asia Pacific and Africa.

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