Healthy Plants - Healthy Communities

The Australian Institute of Horticulture Inc (AIH) invite members and industry to attend our upcoming Congress - Healthy Plant – Healthy Communities Workshop Series 2, to be held 6th and 7th November, 2014.

Pre-Congress Welcome Dinner: Thursday 6th Nov 2014
AIH Awards Night: Friday 7th Nov 2014
Post Congress Tour: Saturday 8th Nov 2014

The Congress is designed to attract delegates from varying sectors of horticulture including consultants, landscape architects, designers, construction, arboriculture, education, turf, parks and gardens, production and the natural resource fields of expertise.

Being held on the shores of Botany Bay – the landscape represents the natural and built environments with water sports as an important element. The region reflects the brief for the speaker series and accompanying hands on workshops.

The Congress will address the following:

  • Plant Health and Diversity in the Urban Environment
  • Selection and Management of Soil Health in Urban Landscapes
  • Plant selection – Right Plant – Right Place – Right Purpose – Right Management
  • Meeting community expectations through horticultural knowledge, innovation & practices of indigenous & local communities
  • Accountability as Professionals – Meeting the expectations of people and their community through landscapes.

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Chris Poulton
[javascript protected email address]

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