GRI Certified Training on Reporting

CSE & Schema are offering this unique opportunity of a certified specialized, detailed and highly focused training on GRI reporting, which:

  • Aims to disseminate knowledge on sustainability reporting and the GRI framework
  • Provides insight on the conceptual introduction, the planning and preparation of the GRI reporting process
  • Covers all issues related to Stakeholder identification, role, prioritization and engagement
  • Defines the content of the report and the monitoring process
  • Clarifies the quality assurance and the application level check process
  • Explains in detail  the communication of the final report

Topics Covered

  • Planning and coordinating the GRI sustainability reporting process
  • Identifying and managing relationships with stakeholders
  • Deciding on report content, concept and reporting process
  • Assuring quality of information, data and deciding on application level
  • Selecting and prioritizing material issues
  • Applying environmental, economic and social performance indicators

Fields that Benefit

  • CSR Professionals
  • Public Relations
  • Communication and Marketing Managers
  • Human Resources Managers
  • Sustainability and Environmental professionals
  • General Managers

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Helena Tzioti
[javascript protected email address]

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