Green Innovation Taiwan 2012

Green Innovation 2012 is co-organised by Business Council for Sustainable Development – TaiwanThe Centre for Sustainable Design ® and Sustainable Innovation Lab

View full programme (English) (Chinese) and register today (English)(Chinese)

Three workshops will be led by leading experts

Workshop A: 1st August 2012

Big Picture: Global trends and European Policy Update

  • Update on EU product-related environmental policies, law and standards
  • Business implications of Rio+ 20
  • Best practice cases

Workshop B: 2nd August 2012

Implementation: Eco-design Management, Processes and Tools

  • Why & How to Do’: Eco-design Management, Process and Tools
  • Carbon Footprint/ Water Tools
  • Best practice cases

Workshop C: 3rd August 2012

Transformation: Trends, New Business Models and Open ‘Green’ Innovation

  • Sustainable business and new business models
  • Green Game Changers
  • OpenGreen Innovation Lab


The three workshops will provide leading-edge analysis of opportunities, challenges and practicalities related to eco-innovation and eco- design. The sessions will draw out and highlight implications for global supply chains

The workshop will be structured around a series of interactive sessions and will provide updates on European policy and standards developments related to ‘green growth, Sustainable Consumption & Production (SCP), ‘producer responsibility, eco-innovation and eco-design.

Key benefits will include:

  • Leading and experienced European experts
  • More than 20 best practice case studies
  • Leading-edge tools and approaches to address sustainability, innovation, product development and supply chains
  • Unique green innovation process
  • A roadmap to ISO 14006 and eco-design management
  • Key principles, features and tools related to eco-design, carbon/water accounting and footprinting

Workshop Fee

12,000 NT per day (250GBP per day)

Space is limited and an early bird discount is available by 30th June 2012

Register Today

Download your registration form (English) (Chinese). If you have more questions on the workshop email or telephone:

Tony Mo & Ricky Chiang


Tel: +(886) 2 2705 8859


Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Tony Mo
[javascript protected email address]

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