Green building & construction: Pathway towards inclusive growth and the creation of decent and green jobs

Faced with an increased demand for affordable quality housing, many countries in Africa, Asia and South America have recognized the potential of green building and construction in terms of social, economic and environmental development. Greening the building and construction industry can lead to the creation of significant numbers of green and decent jobs, while contributing to environmental sustainability and improving access to quality housing, especially for lower and middle-income population groups.

But how do you start “greening” your building and construction business while remaining competitive and affordable? What “eco-system” is needed to facilitate the transition to a greener built environment? What actors do you involve? What kind of policies need to be developed? What skills set is required? What are the implications for job creation? Drawing on concrete experience and case studies, this course will contribute to a better understanding of the conditions required for incubating green building and construction at country level.

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