Global Sustainability Leaders Survey: Budgets & Priorities 2013 - Webinar

Join this Verdantix webinar to see the findings from our annual survey of 250 heads of sustainability located in 13 countries spanning Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, UAE, UK and the US. The survey data cover 2013 sustainability budgets in detail, including planned budget increases by country, sources of funding for 10 key initiatives and 2013 spending priorities across consulting, communications, reporting, supply chain and other sustainability initiatives.

We will also share survey data on governance for sustainability spending, the authority of heads of sustainability to make decisions on different initiatives and key purchase drivers. This unique global sustainability spending data set will help you benchmark your spending plans and align your investments with market demand in 13 countries and 20 industries.

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Emily Hobbs
[javascript protected email address]

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