ZOOiD’s two day intensive Global Reporting Initiative (G4) Sustainability Reporting Process workshop will teach you how to apply the GRI’s sustainability reporting framework to your reporting so that you can produce a world class sustainability report.
Taught in the context of today’s reporting environment through the use of local and international case studies and practical activities, participants will find that this workshop demystifies many of the perceived challenges of reporting using the GRI.
Key learnings will help you to:
- Understand, interpret and implement the GRI G4 concepts
- Apply the GRI Reporting Principles (Stakeholder Inclusiveness, Sustainability Context, Materiality, Completeness, Balance, Comparability, Accuracy, Timeliness, Clarity and Reliability
- Identify, prioritise and communicate with your Stakeholders
- Identify material Aspects (topics) and their Boundaries (internal and/or external to your organisation)
- Select which information should be reported on through defined stakeholder engagement and materiality assessment
- Understand how GRI reporting can be aligned with Integrated Reporting, the UN Global Compact Principles, ISO 26000 and CDP reporting
- Communicate your report in innovative ways
- Prepare you for future reporting cycles through continuous improvement of your processes.
An overview of Sector Disclosures and the GRI’s new ALIGN services is also provided.
Why prepare a sustainability report?
No matter how large or small your organisation is, all organisations, no matter which sector, should consider preparing a GRI report. GRI reporting helps you to:
- Develop your organisational strategy
- Refine your business processes
- Drive continuous improvement
- Better communicate your sustainability activities through engagement with your internal and external stakeholders
- Build organisational reputation through transparent activities and communication.
- Sydney - July 29th & 30th
Who should attend?
Sustainability report makers and sustainability report users. The sustainability reporting process embraces a multidisciplinary approach. Individuals that are involved in Corporate Social Responsibility, environmental reporting and auditing, annual report compilation, business strategy, communications, marketing, public affairs, compliance and assurance will find the GRI Sustainability Reporting Process workshop extremely beneficial.
Feedback from a recent workshop:
- “The workshop took a confusing, complex process and made it clear, logical and usable”
- ”Intensive yet insightful course”
- “Invaluable examples of industry trends and performance”
- “The training was thorough and I walked away knowing exactly what to do”
Find out more and/or register now at www.zooid.com.au or call ZOOiD on 03 9381 0610 for more information.
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