At Fishtech Awards, we’re bringing together major players in the seafood industry, innovative startups and investors to celebrate and to accelerate innovation – right at the centre of the global seafood market. Simply put, there isn’t a more efficient way to find new business opportunities in fishtech, in China and globally than by attending Fishtech Awards.

As a successful company in the seafood space, we think you would benefit from the networking opportunities during the awards with potential partners, customers, suppliers, and investors. This will also be a unique chance for you to meet directly with startups and innovators who are working on solutions for traceability, farming management and other pressing needs.

At Fishtech Awards, we believe that thanks to the emerging technology, we have now reached the momentum to significantly improve the entire seafood supply chain and to turn innovation into business. Fishtech Awards is our commitment to accelerate progress in the seafood industry – we’re here to create opportunities for new, meaningful connections to take place.

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Enrique Vázquez
[javascript protected email address]

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