Fiona Wain Oration 2018

The 5th Annual Fiona Wain Oration will be delivered by international business and sustainability thought-leader, Peter Bakker.

As CEO and President of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Peter is challenging, inspiring and galvanising some of the world’s largest businesses to accelerate the transition to a sustainable world.

According to 2018 Globescan and SustainAbility Leaders Survey, the WBCSD is one of the world’s most respected business non-government organisations (NGO) championing the business role in the global agenda on sustainable development.

Formerly the CEO of TNT Netherlands, Peter became only the third CEO of the WBCSD in 2012 and initiated a fundamental re-formation of the goals and action platform for the WBCSD.

Now in partnership with Sustainable Business Australia, the WBCSD’s mission and purpose is to support SBA to mobilze Australian business action on sustainable development.

The 5th Anniversary of the Fiona Wain Oration, in memory of SBA’s immediate past CEO, will be delivered by Peter to challenge, encourage Australian business community.

Thanks to the generosity of benefactors this is a free event.

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