European Hydrogen Summit 2023

European Hydrogen Summit 2023

Hydrogen is alternative energy to energy-intensive sectors which use gas, coal, and oil to operate, and will play a key role in decarbonising sectors. Green hydrogen is experiencing significant political and business interest for its sustainable energy, mobility, and industry opportunities.

Many governments have published policies to support hydrogen industry development, for example, the REPowerEU plan’s ambition is to produce 10 million tonnes and import 10 million tonnes of renewable hydrogen in the EU by 2030.

According to S&P Global Platts Analytics, hydrogen production in Europe will reach one million tons per year. The current hydrogen demand in the EU industrial sector is around 8 to 10 million mt/year, of which 45 per cent is used in the refining industry, 38 per cent in ammonia production, and 8 per cent in methanol production.

Renewable hydrogen has great potential, for instance, renewable hydrogen can also support the EU’s electricity sector, providing long-term and large-scale storage, it will be beneficial to create a flexible energy system.

European Hydrogen Summit 2023 aims to gather about 120 hydrogen industry experts and senior executives to talk about the European hydrogen market and supportive policy, also the latest technology of hydrogen production storage and the downstream application. We hope this event will help the audiences have a better understanding of hydrogen commercialisation and achieve scale development.


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