Engineering the Circular Economoy

Our current economy is predicated on a linear model. We take resources from the ground, make them into products and dispose of them when we are done with them. In a world with a predicted 3 billion more middle class consumers by 2030, a population set to hit 10billion by 2050 and by the end of the century and global waste forecasted to triple from 3.5million tonnes/day to 10 million tonnes/day by the end of the century - this just isn’t sustainable. As such raw material prices will continue to grow and we will continue to damage the environment unless we rethink the way we approach things.

The circular economy model decouples growth from resource availability, through building in the ability to remanufacture or reuse products from the outset and designing the associated business models to do so. This is estimated by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation to be worth $1 trillion to the world economy by 2025. It is thus no wonder that household names such as Phillips and Renault are taking this seriously. Given this context the Circular Economy looks set to be a big part of our future.

If this is the case, and engineers and technologists are the designers and makers of the future, then what do we need to understand to embrace and drive this transition? As these factors are wide ranging we have brought together a world class panel of experts who can provide this broad perspective. Our panelists are drawn from a range of sectors including finance, business design and innovation. There will also be an opportunity to talk to the speakers after the event in a drinks reception sponsored by PA Consulting Group. For more details about this event and our panellists, please view full details online.

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