Energy Storage Asia Summit 2018

According to the recent report by the World Bank, the energy storage deployments in emerging markets worldwide are expected to grow over 40 per cent annually in the coming decade, adding approximately 80 GW of new storage capacity to the estimated 2 GW existing today.

With the investment in renewable energy and electric vehicle increase at an unprecedented rate in the region, the need for energy storage has never been so strong.

However, there are still barriers to overcome before large scale uptake of energy storage such as high upfront cost, financing, lack of government incentives and project development experience, and necessary manufacturing ability and technologies, etc.

Key themes include but are not limited to:

  • Policy and global market updates;
  • Latest energy storage technologies;
  • Renewable energy and energy storage investment;
  • PV solar + energy storage innovations and latest trends;
  • Electric vehicles and power station;
  • Battery and fuel cell technologies innovations;
  • Smart grid and energy storage integration;
  • Utility scale, residential and commercial energy storage project case study;

With around 200 senior representatives from China, India, Australia, Japan, South Korea, North America and Europe to discuss the latest market trends of energy storage, share experience and best practices in project development, storage technology and business innovation models, we believe it is a must attend event for you to stay abreast of the latest market trends and technology innovations.

We look forward to welcoming you in Bangkok in January.


ESAS 2018 Team

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

David Chang
[javascript protected email address]

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