Ecosperity conversations special edition: reconnecting with nature

Ecosperity conversations special edition: reconnecting with nature

Our dysfunctional relationship with nature has put us at greater risk of abrupt and irreversible changes, including climate change and biodiversity loss. The environment is declining at an unprecedented rate. Now more than ever, we need to reconnect with nature even as we continue to urbanise.

Join us for a special edition of Ecosperity Conversations: Reconnecting with Nature, to learn more about the crucial role nature plays in restoring our climate health, and how today’s youth can become a force for nature.

World-renown primatologist Dr Jane Goodall, DBE will share her perspectives alongside young climate leaders on why nature is indispensable to sustainable development and how we can collectively work alongside nature in a post-pandemic world.

The event will be moderated by The Straits Times’ Science and Environment Correspondent, Audrey Tan.

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