Driving Sustainable Organisational Innovation and Change in the Digital Economy



The Digital Economy will transform the way we live and work, how business runs, and how
society functions – and added to this, in a time frame that is radically shorter than any other
major economic transition in history.

Faced with this exponential growth and rapid pace of change, it’s imperative that today’s
businesses become highly adaptable, remaining relevant, staying at the forefront of

Organisations and professionals need to understand the implications of these digital
disruptions, define their new digital strategies and execute the transformation in rapid and
agile cycles.

In this workshop, we will learn the implications of digital disruption and some key elements
that are required to drive the change associated with the transformation.

A combination of slides, videos, group exercises and experiential learning will support the participants who will practice & learn the tools that drive change in the context of a new Business Innovation.

  • The workshop is rich with examples and provides opportunities to experience the latest innovation method of Design Thinking.
  • The first step is to understand on how to analyze the disruption. To assess the impact of Digital Disruption on an Organisation and its People.
  • For assimilating the concepts further, the teams, through role play will identify disruptions in an industry and ideate on potential solutions that can leverage these disruptions to create value in their business.
  • At the end of this session, the participants would have learned how to prepare for the #FutureOfWork and understand the trends that cause potential disruption in their industry.
  • In the session the participants will experience the tools from the book “When Change Happens…”
  • Using role play they will create a Shared Vision around Business Results that they want to achieve from the idea that they have selected.
  • Then, the participants will develop a Rapid Prototype. As a part of experiential learning, they will build a Lo-Fi prototype and test their idea with the other participants in the workshop.
  • Next, they will then be trained on analysis of the organization structure and align it to support the success of the new idea created in the role play.
  • The heart of Change is the individual. The participants will reflect on their personal Change to experience the processes listed in the book, “When Change Happens…”

Co-Facilitators include the book’s author Lalit Jagtiani

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Lauren Houghton
[javascript protected email address]

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